Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequent Questions And Answers

Public adjusters are usually the first line of defense when an insurance dispute arises. First, a claim is going to need to be scoped and valued. Typically an attorney will hire us to do that work if someone goes directly to them.

In nearly every claim we re-inspected, the payment for damages is insufficient. Our service alone and aside from the underpayment saves you countless hours of time meeting the company adjusters and their experts, chasing contractors for their repair estimates, and studying the policy for coverages.

Fill out our Free Consultation Form. You could also set up a face to face meeting by via email or phone.

No, as long as you did not sign a full and final release. Some insurance company’s may require you to sign a proof of loss and in some case a partial proof of loss in order to write you a check for your loss. You should also be mindful of the statue of limitations that may apply to an insurance claim.

Our fees are governed by the state and are only a small fraction of the claim. We do not charge any up-front cost and only get paid for the work we do for you once employed. Legally we cannot charge you for any payments received prior to our employment. Typically, we more than double the insurance company’s initial offer and sometimes much higher, making our service well worth the costs and paying for itself

The answer is quite simple. Whatever the insurance company ends up paying on your claim is because someone on their team agreed to your public adjuster or appraiser’s figure. Our claim or estimate initially is usually much higher than theirs because a public adjuster has an interest on your claim along with more time to find and document damages. Experience and allegiance also plays a large part in the entire process of which is why you’re better off with an experienced public adjuster working for you than going it alone.